Short Term Rental Accommodations

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Many communities across the globe are grappling with proliferation of short term rental accommodation uses in their areas, aided by web based platforms that simplify the activity for both operators and users. This has led to many Ontario Municipalities taking a variety of approaches to address this matter. These approaches range from relying on existing by-laws to address issues to outright prohibiting short term rentals.

As a result of concerns amongst the community, Council is interested in exploring different options to regulate Short Term Rentals.

The Township's understanding of the community concerns raised thus far can be grouped into two broader categories below:

  • behavioural concerns and resulting impacts to the peaceful enjoyment of surrounding properties; and
  • environmental concerns primarily surrounding servicing capacity.

Options to address these concerns need to be tailored to the issue, as different legislative tools are appropriate for different controls. A licensing by-law has been shown to be an effective tool in mitigating concerns surrounding behavioural matters and servicing. This would be achieved through an application and review process with the ability to require a code of conduct attestation, on-site or prompt management, and the revocation or suspension of licenses among other enforcement tools.

Up to this point, an extensive amount of research and work has already taken place on the issue, and the Township is now seeking public input on the details surrounding a Short Term Rental Licensing By-Law and what the public would like to see within a draft by-law.

Many communities across the globe are grappling with proliferation of short term rental accommodation uses in their areas, aided by web based platforms that simplify the activity for both operators and users. This has led to many Ontario Municipalities taking a variety of approaches to address this matter. These approaches range from relying on existing by-laws to address issues to outright prohibiting short term rentals.

As a result of concerns amongst the community, Council is interested in exploring different options to regulate Short Term Rentals.

The Township's understanding of the community concerns raised thus far can be grouped into two broader categories below:

  • behavioural concerns and resulting impacts to the peaceful enjoyment of surrounding properties; and
  • environmental concerns primarily surrounding servicing capacity.

Options to address these concerns need to be tailored to the issue, as different legislative tools are appropriate for different controls. A licensing by-law has been shown to be an effective tool in mitigating concerns surrounding behavioural matters and servicing. This would be achieved through an application and review process with the ability to require a code of conduct attestation, on-site or prompt management, and the revocation or suspension of licenses among other enforcement tools.

Up to this point, an extensive amount of research and work has already taken place on the issue, and the Township is now seeking public input on the details surrounding a Short Term Rental Licensing By-Law and what the public would like to see within a draft by-law.

  • June, 2024 - Short Term Rental Accommodation Update

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    In May 2024, Staff took a report to Planning Committee with a summary of the public comments received along with corresponding staff recommended changes to the draft Short Term Rental Accommodation Licensing By-law.” Please find the staff report, appendix, and link to the meeting on the right side of this page.

    During the meeting on May 16, Planning Committee discussed comments received, and recommended the changes listed below:

    1. Extension of the “on-season” to go from the Tuesday after Labour Day to the Tuesday after Thanksgiving.
    2. Elimination of all restrictions on the “off-season” time (Tuesday after Thanksgiving to the week before Victoria Day)
    3. Minimum 6 nights per stay in “on-season” (only 1 rental group per 6 nights)
    4. Increased the permitted number of days allowed to rent in “on-season” from 50% to 75%
    5. All proposed application requirements changes approved
    6. Approved to change the inspection fees to be consistent with our fees and charges by-law
    7. License fees are still TBD, more discussion surrounding that will take place when the next draft comes back to Planning Committee
    8. Penalties recommended to start at $5,000 for operate without license and $10,000 for operate with suspended license and go up in regular fashion as in the AMPS By-law ($5,000, $10,000, $20,000 and $10,000, $20,000, $60,000)

    Staff will be reporting back to Planning Committee with an updated draft by-law on July 11, 2024. The agenda will be posted on this page when it becomes available.

  • Short Term Rental Accommodations - March 2024 Update

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    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    On Tuesday February 13, members of the public were invited to provide feedback on the draft short term rental accommodation licensing by-law. In follow-up, Staff will bring a report to Planning Committee that will summarize both the comments made at the meeting and written comments received, and include recommendations based on comments received.

  • Short Term Rental Accommodations - November Update

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    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    At the October 12th, 2023 Planning Committee meeting, Committee discussed the draft Short Term Rental Licensing By-law at length and have directed staff to include a number of provisions within the draft By-law for the public’s consideration and comment.

    Meeting minutes, as well as a link to the draft by-law can be found under Important Links.

    The draft by-law along with recommendations made by Committee will be heard at a future Public Meeting that will take place in early 2024. Stay tuned for the release of this date in the near future! If you wish to speak during this Public Meeting, after the date has been scheduled and released to the public, please visit the Township Website.

  • Short Term Rental Accommodations - Notice of Public Meeting

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    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    The Township of Muskoka Lakes Planning Committee will hold a Public Meeting on February 13th, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. to receive feedback and comments from the community on the draft Short Term Rental Licensing By-law to inform future discussions and decisions made regarding the regulation of Short Term Rental Accommodations in the Township of Muskoka Lakes. Members of the public are invited to review the draft Short Term Rental Licensing By-law. An updated version of which will include the recommendations made by Planning Committee from the October 12th, 2023.

    Any person may make verbal representation by participating either in person or via the ZOOM meeting and/or may make written representation before or after the meeting. Comments can be submitted by emailing or by regular mail or the Municipal Office drop box outside the main entrance to the Municipal Office located at 1 Bailey St., Port Carling. The deadline to submit written comments regarding this subject is February 26th, 2024.

    For more information on how to participate in this meeting, please look at the meeting agenda.

  • Short Term Rental Accommodation - Draft By-Law

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    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    Please be advised that there will be a Draft Short Term Rental Accommodation By-Law presented to Planning Committee on Thursday October 12, 2023.

    More information and the draft by-law can be found on our Government Portal.

    Please reach out to Rob Kennedy, Chief By-law Enforcement Officer, at with any questions.

  • Short Term Rentals Open Houses

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    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    On Friday July 14, the Township hosted an Open House to collect feedback about Short Term Rentals. If you were unable to attend this meeting, or the in person meeting on Tuesday July 18, please watch the reply, or read the live chat. The survey will be live until Friday July 21, 2023.

  • Township to Host Short Term Rental Public Open Houses

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    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    As part of Council’s exploration of potential options to regulate short term rentals in Muskoka Lakes, the Township is hosting two Open Houses to share information and hear the community’s thoughts about this initiative.

    A virtual information session will be held on Friday, July 14, 2023, from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Registration information for this virtual information session is required and can be completed on Event Brite.

    The second session will be held in-person on Tuesday July 18, 2023, from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm at the Port Carling Community Centre.

    Each Open House will begin with a brief presentation, followed by an opportunity for participants to ask questions and provide their feedback regarding short term rentals.

    In addition to these Open Houses, the community is encouraged to fill out the survey.

Page last updated: 19 Jun 2024, 09:55 AM