Short Term Rental Accommodations

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Many communities across the globe are grappling with proliferation of short term rental accommodation uses in their areas, aided by web based platforms that simplify the activity for both operators and users. This has led to many Ontario Municipalities taking a variety of approaches to address this matter. These approaches range from relying on existing by-laws to address issues to outright prohibiting short term rentals.

As a result of concerns amongst the community, Council is interested in exploring different options to regulate Short Term Rentals.

The Township's understanding of the community concerns raised thus far can be grouped into two broader categories below:

  • behavioural concerns and resulting impacts to the peaceful enjoyment of surrounding properties; and
  • environmental concerns primarily surrounding servicing capacity.

Options to address these concerns need to be tailored to the issue, as different legislative tools are appropriate for different controls. A licensing by-law has been shown to be an effective tool in mitigating concerns surrounding behavioural matters and servicing. This would be achieved through an application and review process with the ability to require a code of conduct attestation, on-site or prompt management, and the revocation or suspension of licenses among other enforcement tools.

Up to this point, an extensive amount of research and work has already taken place on the issue, and the Township is now seeking public input on the details surrounding a Short Term Rental Licensing By-Law and what the public would like to see within a draft by-law.

Many communities across the globe are grappling with proliferation of short term rental accommodation uses in their areas, aided by web based platforms that simplify the activity for both operators and users. This has led to many Ontario Municipalities taking a variety of approaches to address this matter. These approaches range from relying on existing by-laws to address issues to outright prohibiting short term rentals.

As a result of concerns amongst the community, Council is interested in exploring different options to regulate Short Term Rentals.

The Township's understanding of the community concerns raised thus far can be grouped into two broader categories below:

  • behavioural concerns and resulting impacts to the peaceful enjoyment of surrounding properties; and
  • environmental concerns primarily surrounding servicing capacity.

Options to address these concerns need to be tailored to the issue, as different legislative tools are appropriate for different controls. A licensing by-law has been shown to be an effective tool in mitigating concerns surrounding behavioural matters and servicing. This would be achieved through an application and review process with the ability to require a code of conduct attestation, on-site or prompt management, and the revocation or suspension of licenses among other enforcement tools.

Up to this point, an extensive amount of research and work has already taken place on the issue, and the Township is now seeking public input on the details surrounding a Short Term Rental Licensing By-Law and what the public would like to see within a draft by-law.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Since Council first considered Short Term Rental accommodations in 2016, the number of short term rental properties in Muskoka Lakes has grown steadily, reaching nearly 1,000 listings as of early 2023. With this growth, Council and staff increasingly hear concerns from landowners about noise, servicing capacity, parking, commercial operations in residential zones and other impacts.  In considering how to best address these issues and impacts on neighbours, the character of the neighbourhood and the broader community, Council has directed staff to explore the merits of creating a licensing registry system for Short Term Rental accommodations.  No decisions have been made at this point.  

    While an extensive amount of research and work has already taken place on how to address the issues relating to Short Term Rental properties in Muskoka Lakes, to ensure any potential future regulations achieve the objectives of protecting the environment and maintaining community character and quality of life for its residents; the Township is now seeking public input on what a Short Term Rental Licensing By-Law and licensing program could look like.

    If you are interested in providing your feedback, we would appreciate your thoughts on the following questions.  

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Page last updated: 21 Aug 2024, 10:12 AM