Special Planning Committee - March 22, 2022 at 9:00 a.m.
Staff and the consulting team will be bringing a report to a Special Planning Committee meeting on March 22, 2022 at 9 am which will provide an overview of comments received from the community and agencies from last fall’s Open Houses and online survey. The report will also provide recommendations to Committee, based on the feedback received, on suggested revisions to the draft Official Plan. Upon receipt of direction from Planning Committee, a further draft of the Official Plan will be prepared and presented to Planning Committee at a future Planning Committee meeting, prior to consideration of hosting a statutory Open House and Public Meeting where more opportunities for public feedback will be available.
Please note that Special Planning Committee meetings are also tentatively scheduled for March 25, 2022 at 9 am should additional time be needed to review the forthcoming report. The report and recommendations will be posted on the Engage Muskoka Lakes webpage the week prior to the meetings. Delegations at the meetings are being accepted in accordance with the Township’s Delegation policy.
Consultation has concluded