What Comes Next?

The Arena Feasibility Study was the first step in a lengthy process. It is a document that will provide Council and members of the community the required information to begin moving toward a long-term plan for recreation facilities in the Township. This study includes background information (usage data, etc.), a condition analysis of the current buildings (costs to fix), input from the community on amenities they would like to see, and a range of some possible options to consider. These are by no means the final set options for a new facility(s), however, they do provide an understanding/ideas on site fit possibilities, related construction costs, etc.

The next step in the process is a Capital Service Level Review. Through this process, Council will determine the appropriate levels of service to be provided by the municipality and the physical assets necessary to achieve those levels of service. In simple terms, determine how many of everything we need (arenas, community centres, fire halls, parks, etc.) and where we want them to be located. These decisions will be based on the data from previous completed studies such as the Arena Feasibility Study, Fire Location Study, Park and Recreation Master Plan, etc. This will be where Council will move towards a decision on how many arenas, location and whether to rehabilitate, construct new, etc. I can assure you that during this process there will be more opportunity for community engagement. We anticipate that this will take place during the summer/fall this year.

Upon the conclusion of this review and an identified number of/location of facilities, Council will then dive further into what specific activities/amenities should be included in said facilities. This will be part of any design phases and once again include opportunities to engage with the public and local recreation groups.

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